Our Story

I started this journey like many of you, frustrated with my hair and how it looked, frizzy and out of control. Frustrated that I didn’t even know where to start to care for it properly.
We've all been told at one point in our lives, or in most cases multiple times, that we should straighten our hair, tie it up; anything that forces us away from embracing our natural curls. And I'll admit, I fell into that trap, I straightened my hair for nearly 12 years until I finally embraced the curly girl lifestyle.
I stopped listening to the bad advice and started listening to the people who felt the same way I did. I was encouraged by all the wonderful advice and testimonials by curly hair influencers on social media and even though the journey was long and some wash days weren't perfect, I finally loved my hair. I loved how it looked, how it felt and more importantly, how it made me feel when I looked in the mirror.
I started SugarBoo Curls because as any curly girl knows, getting products that moisturise and strengthen curly hair is hard to find in India at an affordable price. The best curly hair products are usually the foreign brands and they put a major dent in our wallet when it's time to restock our favourites. The DIY solutions aren’t always foolproof and they just don’t give you the same results as the expensive deep conditioners you buy.
SugarBoo Curls is here to change that. Our hair products for curly hair will leave your hair feeling loved and give you the confidence to step out knowing your hair is getting everything it finally deserves.
Launching this brand has been a real labour of love and I’m excited to finally have this dream come true.
So, no matter where you are in your journey, just know that there’s a whole squad of confused curlies right there with you. We're here to bridge the gap with knowledge and good quality products to help you get the best hair day.
So come join us and be a SugarBoo Star ⭐️